Online Learning for Better Teaching, 2024
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WVAAE originated through song, an approach that remains a central theme of our work along with creativity and stories. In addition to these focus areas below we also support English language development through a creative phonics approach. As an essential issue of our times caring for the environment and global citizenship flow through all aspects of our work.
As well as filling classrooms with joy learning through song supports confidence, connections, and understanding. It promotes enthusiasm to learn and school attendance. Songs support memorisation and connect home with school. Learning through song flows across and joins up curriculums, skills and subjects.
Creativity is a core life skill that should be integral in teaching and learning across curriculums and subject areas. As well as bringing imagination, innovation, deep learning and fun to classrooms it is a key teaching approach in contemporary methodologies such as STEAM and project-based-learning.
Telling stories is an ancient method of conveying and understanding information in a compelling way. It doesn’t matter how old you are, listening to, telling and writing stories is human nature. WVAAE takes storytelling out of just ‘story-time’ in the classroom and encourages its use across every subject, in every part of teaching and learning.
The World Voice & Art Association provides
Our projects in differet regions of Ethiopia
What They said about us
Trainings and events we provided